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One of our jobs has some kind of flexibility option - such as telecommutinga part-time schedule or a flexible or flextime schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

How We Share Information ?

Book your car, all you need is a credit or debit card. When you pick the car up, you’ll need Different car hire companies have different requirements, so please make sure you check the car’s terms and conditions as well.

In Which We Explain How ?

Book your car, all you need is a credit or debit card. When you pick the car up, you’ll need Different car hire companies have different requirements, so please make sure you check the car’s terms and conditions as well.

Special Provisions Applicable To Employer?

Book your car, all you need is a credit or debit card. When you pick the car up, you’ll need Different car hire companies have different requirements, so please make sure you check the car’s terms and conditions as well.

What People Say !

The highest ranked tech jobs in the US, based on user ratings and reviews on Jobmonster. Discover 12 millions jobs and find great jobs to work.


Tél: (221) 33 859 28 56
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VDN, Plan d'Aménagement de la Bande Verte, Dakar

  • Mali, Sous la dénomination de TEMPORIS, Av. Cheikh Zayed, Immeuble Trentimou, Bureau B 110 BP E 1326 Bamako, Tél : (223) 229 55 96
  • Gambie, sous la dénomination de AFRIC MANAGEMENT, 7 Kelepha Jatta, Av. Churchill Town Serkun, Tél : (220) 35 90 682, Email :
  • Guinée Bissau, sous la dénomination de Afric Management, N. 10, Av. Unidade Africana, Frente à Dalas BISSAU, Tél : (245) 955210506 / 955557677, Email :
  • Guinée Conakry, Résidences Le Corail, Bloc E – 2ème Etage, Bureau 203, Camayenne, Dixinn – CONAKRY, Tél : (224) 627 27 51 96, Email :

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